You Place An Order, We’ll Make The Donation
For every webshop order in September we’re donating €1 to Inchicore Men’s Sheds.
A ‘men’s shed’ is a community based project, where men can come together to learn, share skills and make long-lasting friendships together.
The men’s shed movement was first founded in Australia in the 1980’s, and has since expanded to other countries including Ireland, the UK, America, Canada, Iceland and Estonia to name a few.
Ireland has becoming one of the leading nations for men’s sheds in recent years, with Ireland having the most sheds per capita. Currently, there are over 450 sheds in Ireland, with at least 10,000 men visiting a shed every week.
The Inchicore Men’s Shed was established in 2012 by a community development worker from the then Canal Communities Partnership, now Dublin South City Partnership. It is funded through the CDETB who supply a Mechanics Tutor to work with the men. It is now supported by a Community Development Worker with the Family Resource Centre St. Michaels Estate. The Inchicore Men’s Shed is a friendly and welcoming place where local men share in activities like repairing: Small Engines, Power Tools, Lawn Mowers, Strimmers, Chainsaws and Motorcycles. The shed is open to men regardless of age or ability.
It is a place where you can share knowledge and learn new skills and have a bit of craic, while learning new skills. The Shed aims to break the isolation experienced by some older men and creates a sense of solidarity and friendship between all of its members. New members are always welcome and there is always something of interest for everyone. Inchicore Men’s Shed meet every Tuesday 10:00am – 12:30pm in the Core Youth Project located in Emmet Crescent. Fundraising is very important for the group and donations are always welcome to continue with projects and outings and help keep the spirit of the Men’s Shed going.
You can do your bit to help our friends at Inchicore Men’s Shed: for every order placed on our webshop, throughout September, we’ll donate €1.
Don’t forget we have mixed case options, with a new 12-can box, mini kegs and limited edition releases.
Visit our webshop here, get a few cans, and you’ll be contributing to a great cause.
Thank you!